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Industry Promotion


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As a government-affiliated public corporation, KOBACO runs various projects to drive the substantive development of the advertising industry.

Advertising Museum

KOBACO operates the biggest advertising museum in the country where one can take a look at the 100-year history of advertising in our country. It consists of eight
exhibition halls, including
Origin of Advertising’,
‘Socio-cultural History of Korea through Advertising’,
‘Advertising that moves the World’,
‘Production of Advertisements’ and ‘Experiencing Advertising’.

KOBACO Training Institute

This is a professional training facility that is used by about 60,000 people per year including journalists, advertisers and those from advertising agencies. It is located on the beautiful riverside of Namhangang and equipped with cutting-edge education facilities, various sports facilities and top-quality lodging facilities.

Advertising Library

Founded in 1987, the Advertising Library is the largest advertising data bank housing an extensive collection of domestic and foreign books, masters and doctoral theses, research reports and statistical data, periodicals and advertisements.

Advertising Research Institute

The Advertising Research Institute is the only research institution specializing in advertising. With the vision of being a ‘Think Tank for the Korean Advertising Industry’, it performs research projects on diverse subjects every year and contributes to the specialization and globalization of the advertising industry of our country.