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  • 제목
    Korea Advertising Expenditure Research (2023)
  • 번호

Hi, all!


I have attached <Korea Advertising Expenditure Research> conducted on 2023.

Please refer to the following attachment for further details. 

The Status of Advertising Market 2022. (Unit: Hundred milion won) Broadcasting 24.3%(4,021billion won) = pp: 2,152,394(53.5%), Terrestrial TV: 1,376,215(34.2%), Radio: 254,022(6.3%),  SO: 109,596(2.7%), IPTV: 96,107(2.4%), Satellite Broadcasting: 30,656, DMB: 2,203 , Print 12.9%(2,128 billion won) = Newspapers : 1,801,374(84.7%) , Magazines: 326,363(15.3%)  ,  Online 52.7%(8,706 billion won) = Mobile: 6,803,489(78.1%) , PC : 1,902,682(21.5%), , Others 3.6%(596 billion won) = Employ ment Information : 291,414(48.9%) ,Life & Living : 155,207(26.0%) ,  DM : 79,612(13.4%) , Broadcast Production Companies : 69,609(11.7%) , Outdoor 6.5%(1,069 billion won) = Transportation : 437,456(40.9%) , Bill boards : 397,332(37.2%) , Entertainment: 156,304(14.6%) , Others(Outdoor) : 78,234(6.3%) Total Advertising Spending 2022. 16,520.3 billion won


If you have any questions regarding the research, please feel free to contact KOBACO Media Data Team(+82-2-731-7417) for more information.


Thank you very much!



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